Difference between static and final method in java

Static methods can be overriden, but they cannot be overriden to be non-static,Whereas final methods cannot be overridden.

A static method is a method that’s invoked through a class, rather than a specific object of that class. Static methods can only access static variables – they can’t use anything that’s specific to a particular object. Nonstatic methods (or instance methods) must be called on a specific object and can use the object’s instance data.
A final method is just a method that cannot be overridden – while static methods are implicitly final, you might also want to create an final instance method.

In this code:

class Foo {
    public static void method() {
        System.out.println("in Foo");

class Bar extends Foo {
    public static void method() {
        System.out.println("in Bar");

the static method in Bar ‘hides’ the static method declared in Foo, as opposed to overriding it in the polymorphism sense.

class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {


will output:

in Foo
in Bar

Re-defining method() as final in Foo will disable the ability for Bar to hide it, and re-running main() will output:

in Foo
in Foo

Compilation fails when you mark the method as final, and only runs again when remove Bar.method()

Final will prevent the method from being hidden by subclasses .

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