Iterative preorder, inorder and postorder tree traversals

Here is a complete C program which prints a BST using both recursion and iteration. The best way to understand these algorithms is to get a pen and a paper and trace out the traversals (with the stack or the queue) alongside. Dont even try to memorize these algorithms!

tree traversals pre order, post prder, in order


#include <stdio.h>

 typedef struct node
   int value;
   struct node *right;
   struct node *left;

 mynode *root;

 add_node(int value);
 void postorder(mynode *root);
 void inorder(mynode *root);
 void preorder(mynode *root);

 void iterativePreorder(mynode *root);
 void iterativeInorder (mynode *root);
 void iterativePostorder(mynode *root);

 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   root = NULL;


   printf("\nPreorder (R)    : ");
   printf("\nPreorder (I)    : ");

   printf("\n\nPostorder (R)   : ");
   printf("\nPostorder (R)   : ");

   printf("\n\nInorder (R)     : ");
   printf("\nInorder (I)     : ");


 // Function to add a new node to the BST
 add_node(int value)
    mynode *prev, *cur, *temp;

    temp        = (mynode *) malloc(sizeof(mynode));
    temp->value = value;
    temp->right = NULL;
    temp->left  = NULL;

      printf("\nCreating the root..\n");
      root = temp;



    if(value < prev->value)

 // Recursive Preorder
 void preorder(mynode *root)
     printf("[%d] ", root->value);

 // Iterative Preorder
 void iterativePreorder(mynode *root)
   mynode *save[100];
   int top = 0;

   if (root == NULL)

   save[top++] = root;
   while (top != 0)
     root = save[--top];

     printf("[%d] ", root->value);

     if (root->right != NULL)
       save[top++] = root->right;
     if (root->left != NULL)
       save[top++] = root->left;

 // Recursive Postorder
 void postorder(mynode *root)
     printf("[%d] ", root->value);

 // Iterative Postorder
 void iterativePostorder(mynode *root)
     mynode *node;
     unsigned vleft :1;   // Visited left?
     unsigned vright :1;  // Visited right?

   int top = 0;

   save[top++].node = root;

   while ( top != 0 )
       /* Move to the left subtree if present and not visited */
       if(root->left != NULL && !save[top].vleft)
           save[top].vleft = 1;
           save[top++].node = root;
           root = root->left;

       /* Move to the right subtree if present and not visited */
       if(root->right != NULL && !save[top].vright )
           save[top].vright = 1;
           save[top++].node = root;
           root = root->right;

       printf("[%d] ", root->value);

       /* Clean up the stack */
       save[top].vleft = 0;
       save[top].vright = 0;

       /* Move up */
       root = save[--top].node;

 // Recursive Inorder
 void inorder(mynode *root)
     printf("[%d] ", root->value);

 // Iterative Inorder..
 void iterativeInorder (mynode *root)
   mynode *save[100];
   int top = 0;

   while(root != NULL)
       while (root != NULL)
            if (root->right != NULL)
              save[top++] = root->right;
            save[top++] = root;
            root = root->left;

       root = save[--top];
       while(top != 0 && root->right == NULL)
           printf("[%d] ", root->value);
           root = save[--top];

       printf("[%d] ", root->value);
       root = (top != 0) ? save[--top] : (mynode *) NULL;

And here is the output…

Creating the root..

Preorder (R)    : [10] [5] [4] [1] [8] [30] [40]
Preorder (I)    : [10] [5] [4] [1] [8] [30] [40]

Postorder (R)   : [1] [4] [8] [5] [40] [30] [10]
Postorder (R)   : [1] [4] [8] [5] [40] [30] [10]

Inorder (R)     : [1] [4] [5] [8] [10] [30] [40]
Inorder (I)     : [1] [4] [5] [8] [10] [30] [40]

One Thought on “Iterative preorder, inorder and postorder tree traversals

  1. Herbert Eberle on March 8, 2020 at 3:34 am said:

    The following totally iterative program incorporates pre-, in- and post-order DFS traversal altogether:
    typedef struct mynode mynode;

    struct mynode
    mynode* childL; // -> left child
    mynode* childR; // -> right child
    mynode* parent; // -> parent node
    int value; // user data

    void iterativePreInPostOrder(mynode* N)
    (mynode*) next, save;

    if ((next = N) == NULL) return;
    save = N->parent;
    N->parent = NULL; // fake for stopping the traversal

    /* Try to loop down some left spine, i.e.
    all available left (grand)children until there is none. */
    N = next;
    printf(“pre-order: [%d] “, N->value); // N is in pre-order position
    if ((next = N->childL) != NULL)
    /* N has a left child */
    goto DL;
    /* N has no left child. */
    printf(“in-order: [%d] “, N->value); // N is in in-order position
    if ((next = N->childR) != NULL)
    /* N has (no left, but) a right child. */
    goto DL;
    /* N has no child at all. */
    goto UD;

    DU: /* N is left child of next. */
    N = next; /* N has a left child. */
    printf(“in-order: [%d] “, N->value); // N is in in-order position
    if ((next = N->childR) != NULL)
    /* N has (a left and) a right child. */
    goto DL;
    /* N has a left child, but no right child. */

    UD /* N has no child. */
    : /* N has no right child. */
    printf(“post-order: [%d] “, N->value); // N is in post-order position
    next = N->parent;

    /* Try to loop up some right spine, i.e.
    all available left (grand)parents until there is none. */
    if (N == next->childL)
    /* N is the left child of next. */
    goto DU;
    /* N is the right child of next. */
    N = next; /* N has a right child. */
    printf(“post-order: [%d] “, N->value); // N is in post-order position
    if ((next = N->parent)
    != NULL) /* N is not the initial root. */
    goto UL;
    /* N is the initial root. */
    N->parent = save; // restore

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