Minimum Distance Between Array Elements

Given a non-negative integer array, Find the minimum distance between 2 distinct elements of A.

Minimum Distance is defined as if P != Q then |(A[P] – A[Q])|


#include <limits.h>
void merge_sort(int[], int, int);
int solution(int A[], int N) {
    // write your code in C90
    // Apply merge sort (takes O(nlogn))
    merge_sort(A, 0, N-1);
    // Loop will take O(n) hence total time  in O(nlogn)
    int min_dist = INT_MAX;
    int dist = 0;
    int i;
    for(i = 1; i < N; i++)
        dist = A[i] - A[i - 1];
        if (min_dist > dist)
            min_dist = dist;
    return min_dist;
#define SIZE 1000000
void merge(int arr[],int min,int mid,int max)
    int tmp[SIZE];
    int i,j,k,m; 
    j = min;
    m = mid+1;
    for(i = min; j <= mid && m <= max ; i++)
        if(arr[j] <= arr[m])
            tmp[i] = arr[j];
            tmp[i] = arr[m];
    if(j > mid)
        for(k = m; k <= max; k++)
            tmp[i] = arr[k];
        for(k = j; k <= mid; k++)
            tmp[i] = arr[k];
    for(k = min; k <= max; k++)
        arr[k] = tmp[k];
void merge_sort(int arr[],int min,int max)
    int mid;
    if(min < max)
        mid = (min + max)/2;
        merge_sort(arr, min, mid);
        merge_sort(arr, mid+1, max);
        merge(arr, min, mid, max);

Time Complexity: O(N)

3 Thoughts on “Minimum Distance Between Array Elements

  1. It should be O(N)

    public static void minDistance( int []a, int x, int y) {
    int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int firstIndex = -1;

    for( int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
    if( a[i] == x || a[i] == y) {
    if( firstIndex == -1 ) {
    firstIndex = i;
    } else {
    if( a[i] != a[firstIndex]) {
    int min = i – firstIndex;
    if( min < minDistance) {
    minDistance = min;
    firstIndex = i;

    System.out.println( "Min Distance: " + minDistance);

  2. Hey Chao,
    Could you please explain what is x and y here.

  3. GhanaBuoy on January 11, 2015 at 2:31 am said:


    public class MinDistance

    public static int findMinDistance(int [] arr){
    int length = arr.length;
    int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE -1;
    int smaller = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    for(int i =0; i<length;i++){
    if(arr[i] <= smallest){
    smaller = smallest;
    smallest = arr[i];
    else if(arr[i] <smaller) {
    smaller = arr[i];
    return smaller – smallest;
    }// findMinDistance(int [] arr)

    public static void main(String[] args)
    PrintWriter pen = new PrintWriter(System.out,true);
    int [] arr = {1,2,0,8,1,9,9,3};
    int result = findMinDistance(arr);

    }//class MinDistance

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