Implement Stack and Queue using Linked List in Java

The implementation of a linked list is pretty simple in Java. Each node has a value and a link to next node.

class Node {
	int val;
	Node next;
	Node(int x) {
		val = x;
		next = null;

Two popular applications of linked list are stack and queue.

Stack: What is stack? Stack is a linear data structure which implements data on last in first out criteria. Here is a java program to implement stack using linked list.

class Stack{
	Node top; 
	public Node peek(){
		if(top != null){
			return top;
		return null;
	public Node pop(){
		if(top == null){
			return null;
			Node temp = new Node(top.val);
			top =;
			return temp;	
	public void push(Node n){
		if(n != null){ = top;
			top = n;

Queue: Queue is a data structure, that uses First in First out(FIFO) principle. Queue can be implemented by stack, array and linked list. Here is java program to implement queue using linked list.

class Queue{
	Node first, last;
	public void enqueue(Node n){
		if(first == null){
			first = n;
			last = first;
		}else{ = n;
			last = n;
	public Node dequeue(){
		if(first == null){
			return null;
			Node temp = new Node(first.val);
			first =;
			return temp;

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