Print nodes at K distance from root in binary tree

In a binary tree, given a root and a number K. You have to find the all nodes at distance K from given root node.

For example in a given tree, if K =2 then Output should be 4,5,6
if k = 1 then Output should be 2,3

Binary Tree

// structure of tree
struct node
   int value;
   struct node* left;
   struct node* right;

// function to print nodes at k distance
void kDistanceNodes(Node *root , int k)   
	if(root == NULL || k < 0)

	if( k == 0 )
		printf("%d", root->value );
		kDistanceNodes(root->left, k-1 ) ;
		kDistanceNodes(root->right, k-1 ) ;

Time complexity: O(N) as we have to traverse the compelete tree, N is the number of nodes in a tree

2 Thoughts on “Print nodes at K distance from root in binary tree

  1. Rajiur Rahman on September 16, 2015 at 10:43 am said:

    I love your recursive solutions :)
    Just though to give iterative manner a try. I was thinking initially it should be very easy, but struggled to get working correctly. My java method code snippet is following.

    public static void nodeAtKDistance(Node root, int distance){ //assume dist is not more than tree height
    Queue treeQueue1 = new LinkedList();
    Queue treeQueue2 = new LinkedList();
    if(distance == 1){
    for(int i=1; i<distance; i++){
    if( (i & 1) != 0){ // for i==odd
    Node current = treeQueue1.poll();
    if(current.left != null){treeQueue2.add(current.left);}
    if(current.right != null){treeQueue2.add(current.right);}
    else{ //for i==even
    Node current = treeQueue2.poll();
    if(current.left != null){treeQueue1.add(current.left);}
    if(current.right != null){treeQueue1.add(current.right);}
    if( (distance & 1) == 0 ){ //distance value is even, pop all the values from TreeQueue1
    Node temp = treeQueue2.poll();
    System.out.print(temp.getData() + " ");
    Node temp = treeQueue1.poll();
    System.out.print(temp.getData() + " ");

  2. skartik on December 16, 2016 at 8:11 pm said:

    void printNodesAtDistanceK(node *root,int level,int k) {
    if (!root)
    else if (level == k) {
    cout<val<left,level + 1,k);
    printNodesAtDistanceK(root->right,level + 1,k);

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